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One-Year Subscription Two-Year Subscription Volume 49, Issues 1 & 2
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Our Price: $50.00
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Our Price: $85.00
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Volume 49, Issues 1 & 2
Our Price: $25.00
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4 issues 8 issues
Volume 50, Issue 1 Volume 52, Issue 1 Volume 52, Issue 2
Volume 50, Issue 1
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 52, Issue 1
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 52, Issue 2
Our Price: $15.00
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Paul Scot August, Kelly Davio, Teresa Dzieglewicz, Juan Carlos Galeano, Suzanne Marie Hopcroft, Natasha Kessler, Brandon Krieg, Cody Lumpkin, Kassandra Montag, Jessica Poli, Ryan Ragan, Richard Robbins, Maureen Thorson, William Trowbridge, Mitchell Untch, Ocean Vuong, Luke Whisnant, J. Duncan Wiley, Karen Wood, Mitchell Untch, Ocean Vuong, Luke Whisnant, J. Duncan Wiley, Karen Wood, Nicole Banas, Caitlin Militello, Luke Rolfes, Eveyln Somers, Jacqueline Doyle, Cassandra Kircher

Meg Day, Molly Sutton Kiefer, Raylyn Clacher, Katie Longofono, Angela Veronica Wong, Peggy Shumaker, Ethel Rackin, Ivan Hobson, Sandy Yang, Becky Mandelbaum, Scott Dominic Carpenter, Monica Hileman, Ryan Bradford, Adam Yaghi
Shayla Lawson, Barbara Jane Reyes, Sarah Den Boer, Amelia Martens, Andy Fogle, Anna Leahy, Paul Scot August, Patty Paine, Barbara Duffey, Derek White, Julia Strayer, Peter Kispert, Chris Evans, Erika T. Wurth, Mollie Murray, Bryan Fry

Volume 52, Issues 3 & 4 Volume 53, Issue 2 Volume 53, Issues 3 & 4
Volume 52, Issues 3 & 4
Our Price: $25.00
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Volume 53, Issue 2
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 53, Issues 3 & 4
Our Price: $25.00
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Poetry: Kyle McCord, Donna Vorreyer, Nandini Dhar, Cynthia Arrieu-King, Jenny Morse, Sarah McKinstry Brown, Tami Haaland, Adrian C. Louis, Meghan Giles, Tanaya Winder, Shanan Ballam, Jenna Le, Jim Warner, Linda Russo, Michael Meyerhofer, Shann Ray

Fiction: Caitlin Fitzpatrick, Chris Tusa, Sean Johnston, Joanna Ruocco, Julie Doxsee, Ron Carlson, Nick Heeb, Lara Palmquist, Kim Bussing, Chip Livingston, Rob Davidson, Nick McRae, Joseph Bathanti

Non Fiction: Susan McCarty, Sarah McColl
Poetry: Anna Lena Phillips Bell, Jessica Goodfellow, Jason Gray, Susan Grimm, Michaelsun Stonesweat Knapp, Brandon Krieg, Brianna Noll, Cameron Morse, Jessica Plante, Jeffrey Tucker, Jon Tribble
Prose: Lucy Adkins, Erin M. Bertram, Heidi Czerwiec, Leah Jane Esau, Caroline Goodwin, Danny Thanh Nguyen, Marcus Pactor, Curtis Smith, Judy Wilson
E. Kristin Anderson \\ Carrie Bennett \\Alyse Bensel \\ Christopher DeWeese \\ Saddiq Dzukogi \\Majda Gama \\ Paul Guest \\ Jackson Holbert \\ Brionne Janae \\ Sharon Suzuki-Martinez \\ Laura McCoy \\ Jim Peterson \\ Emilia Phillips \\ Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer \\ Gerry LaFemina \\ Heather Lang and JR Tappenden \\ Lindsay Wilson \\ Richard Chiappone \\ Matthew Fiander \\ Gary Fincke \\Thomas Gannon \\ Christopher Heffernan \\ Carol LaHines \\ Karen Salyer McElmurray \\ Maryse Meijer \\ Katy Mullins \\ J. T. Townley \\ Amanda Yanowski \\

Volume 54, Issue 1 Volume 54, Issue 2 Volume 54, Issues 3 & 4
Volume 54, Issue 1
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 54, Issue 2
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 54, Issues 3 & 4
Our Price: $25.00
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Shaindel Beers | Kristene Brown | Lauren Camp | Laton Carter | Yuan Changming | Monica J. Claesson | John Colburn | Kristina Marie Darling | Brian Komei Dempster | Salvatore Difalco | Shawn Fawson | Luiza Flynn-Goodlett | Andrew Hemmert |
Hannah Kroonblawd | Karen An-hwei Lee | Amy Mattox | Kathleen McGookey | Kathryn Merwin | Michael Meyerhofer | Aza Pace | Lynne Potts | Midge Raymond | Katie Richards| Dana Salvador | Martha Silano | Jake Syersak

Hannah Craig | Sadie Hoagland | Rachel Sahaidachny Julie Brooks Barbour | Victoria Campbell | Jennifer Key Julie E. Bloemeke | Annette C. Boehm | Sara Ryan

Hannah Kroonblawd | Karen An-hwei Lee | Amy Mattox | Kathleen McGookey | Kathryn Merwin | Michael Meyerhofer | Aza Pace | Lynne Potts | Midge Raymond | Katie Richards| Dana Salvador | Martha Silano | Jake Syersak
Contributors: Allison Adair | O-Jeremiah Agbaakin | Jason Arment | Ken Babstock | Jeanette Beebe | Lori Brack | Ron Burch | Heather Cahoon | Babette Cieskowski | Liz N. Clift | Krista Cox | James D’Agostino | Marisa “Nashibe” Sanjurjo de Aguayo | Michelle Donahue | Isabelle Doyle | Danielle Beazer Dubrasky | Gary Fincke | Ella Flores | Jeff Frawley | M. Brett Gaffney | Karen George | Hugo Gibson | Benjamin Goluboff | Ivy Grimes | Ashley Hand | Travis Hedge Coke | Maria Himmelman | Korbin Jones | Genevieve Kaplan | Anita Olivia Koester | Eleanor Levine | Kat Lewis | Tessa Livingstone | Joel Long | Zachary Lundgren | Freesia McKee | Angie Mason | Michael Meyerhofer | Linnea Nelson | Marlene Olin | Colin Pope | Cat Powell | Theadora Siranian | John Sibley Williams

Volume 55, Issue 3 Volume 55, Issue 4 Volume 55, Issues 1 & 2
Volume 55, Issue 3
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 55, Issue 4
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 55, Issues 1 & 2
Our Price: $25.00
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Heather Lang-Cassera, Wale Ayinla, Natanya Ann Pulley, Suphil Lee Park, Grant W. Currier, Anne Champion, Tariq al Haydar, Ava Hofmann, Karen Salyer McElmurray, Janice Zerfas, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Joseph Bathant, Daniela Buccilli, Patrick Hicks

Brenna M. Casey, Kristel Rietesel-Low,Christine Stewart-Nuñez, Sarah Bates, Sonia Greenfield, Jan Beatty, Luisa A. Igloria, Shira Dentz , Matthew Thorburn , Clay Matthews, Cate Peebles, Caroline Goodwin, Sam Foley, Amanda Schmidt, Geoff Schmidt, Janice Lee, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Nicole Walker

Marcia Arrieta | Carol Berg | Anne Barngrover |
Annie Christain | Lisa Fay Coutley | Aisha Down | Kimberly Glanzman | Jeannine Hall Gailey | Matt Greene | Madeline Hanley | Lillian Howan | Bethany Schultz Hurst | Tyler Truman Julian | D. E. Lee | Angie Macri | Michael McLane | Jeff Moreland | A. Molotkov | Aza Pace | Casey Pycior | Eric Roller | Linda Russo | Jennifer Sweeney | Emily Townsend | Anthony Huerta Velasquez | Michael Walsh | Ellen Welcker | John Yohe

Volume 56, Issue 1 Volume 56, Issue 2 Volume 56, Issue 3
Volume 56, Issue 1
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 56, Issue 2
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 56, Issue 3
Our Price: $15.00
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Jordan Escobar | Elizabeth Henry | John McCarthy Yelizaveta P. Renfro | Mary Buchinger | Dorsía Smith Silva | Abby Walthausen | Kayla Sargeson | Andrew Zhou | Maggie Graber | Jennifer Gauthier | Gary Fincke | Nazifa Islam Janine DeBaise | Jim Peterson | Miles Waggener Eddie Kim | Julie Marie Wade | Denise Duhamel

Brandon Krieg | Hollie Dugas | E. J. Myers | Laura S. Marshall | Oakley Ayden | Sunni Wilkinson | Suzy Eynon | Samantha Padgett | Cassandra Woodard | Lana I. Ghannam | Jenny McBride | Cynthia Marie Hoffman Lori Horvitz | Annette C. Boehm Margaret Erhart | Charlie Clark | Katie Schmid | Adam Scheffler

SDR Issue 56.3


Gillian Cummings, Tayler Smith, Mary Cisper, Callia Liang, John Sibley Williams, Sharon Goldberg, Marlon Hacla (Translated by Kristine Ong Muslim) Claudia Buckholts, Kevin West, Joseph Biancalana, Keith Woodruff, Laurie Saurborn, John Yohe, Twyla M. Hansen, Adrena Zawinski, Kevin McLellan, Jeggery Bean, Holli Carrell, Jacob Griffin Hall, Jessica Hudson

Volume 56, Issue 4 Volume 57, Issue 1 Volume 57, Issue 2
Volume 56, Issue 4
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 57, Issue 1
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 57, Issue 2
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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SDR Issue 56.4


Jenny Hykes Jiang Oliver de la Paz, Kevin Clouther, Daschielle Louis, Ammi Keller, Robin Gow, Naomi Kanakia, Sheila Carter-Jones, MICHAEL CHANG, Coyote Shook, Courtney Huse Wika, Ashley Zellmer McFadden, Jared Beloff and Adrian Dallas Frandle, Ryan Ridge and Mel Bosworth, Mary Lynn Reed, Christine E. Hamm, Katie Jean Shinkle ,Kimberly Ann Priest

SDR Issue 57.1


Ana Maria Caballero, Dana Salvador, Charles Holdefer, Jennifer Met, Gail Hosking, Ross White, Mardith Louisell, James Cihlar, Eloise Klein Healy, Richard Holinger, Sean Cho A., Pen Pearson, Lane Chasek, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhran, Corinna Cook & Jeremy Pataky

SDR Issue 57.2

Mercedes Lawry, Jane Zwart, Jessica Goodfellow, Josh Mahler, Elizabeth Tracey, Emma Aylor, Jey Ley, Carol Everett Adams, Emily García, Brooke Harries, Vinh Hoang | Michelle Otero Jarrett Kaufman, Danielle Shorr, Dianna Vega, Nathan Whiting, Sihle Ntuli E.B. Schnepp, Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Joe Sacksteder

Volume 57, Issue 3 Volume 57, Issue 4 Volume 58, Issue 1
Volume 57, Issue 3
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 57, Issue 4
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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Volume 58, Issue 1
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $15.00
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Lee Ann Roripaugh, Alison Zheng, John Walser, Yelizaveta P. Renfro, Joanna Acevedo, E J Cousins, Glenn Shaheen, Joe Davies, Richard Robbins, Jen Yáñez-Alaniz, Chelsy Diaz Amaya, Judith Harris, Dylan Willoughby, Tricia Bogle, Gary Charles Wilkens, Rylann Watts, Joshua Michael Stewart, Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena, Stephanie Dickinson, Dani Putney, Lisa Roullard, Audrey Fong
Hafsa Zulfiqar | Lawdenmarc Decamora | Alyse Bensel | Kennedy Amenya Gisege | Sean Thomas Dougherty | Anna Oberg | Kristin Entler | Caroline Sutton | King Tina | Kenton K. Yee | Aidan Dolbashian | Korey Hurni | Ryan Burruss | Maggie Bowyer | Evan J. Massey | Terin Weinberg | Deidra Suwanee Dees | Joanna Doxey | Emily Stedge | Sara Moore Wagner | Natasha Williams | Craig Blais | Noah Pohl | Joanna Acevedo
Lisa Ampleman | Kimberly L Becker | Laurie Blauner | Sarah Carey | Seth Copeland | Jose Hernandez Diaz | Jennifer Fandel | Marc Frazier | Joanna Fuhrman | Teow Lim Goh | Derek Graf | Susan Grimm | Shannon Hardwick | Jeffrey Hecker | John Hoppenthaler | Christen Noel Kauffman | Grace Kearney | Alice Kinerk | Trudy Lewis | Minadora Macheret | Natalie Marino | rob mclennan | William Musgrove | Tobenna Nwosu | D Eric Parkison | Mandira Pattnaik | Sage Ravenwood | Todd Robinson | Martha Silano | Brian Simoneau | Adam Straus | Virgil Suarez | Maxwell Suzuki | Adam Tavel | Alyssandra Tobin | Elizabeth Wilson